Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Welcome Prefects of WSPS!

Dear All,

Welcome to our very own 'Prefectorial Board' blog. I hope this blog will act as a good communication tool between us. Do also abide to the rules of the proper usage of this blog so that we can maximise this communication tool! See you in school...!

-Miss Ong-


  1. Hi, Miss Ong! Would you like a new background layout? Check these out: http://www.blogskins.com/screenshot/84797 & http://www.blogskins.com/screenshot/244502. Choose one blogskin and I will help you make it.

    Clara Tong

  2. Hello:D
    I went to see the blogskins,i think http://www.blogskins.com/screenshot/84797 is nicer.
    Anyway,check these out too:http://blogskins.com/info/242341.

  3. I'm okay with your recomended blogskin, but if you want to change the background I can help you to do it.

  4. How about this layout (http://www.blogskins.com/screenshot/242839) ? It seems nice!


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