Saturday, September 12, 2009

ATTENTION P4 to P6 prefects:

Please do the pupil leadership survey on by next week. You can choose to do it in your own time at home too.

You can click on the link above and it will bring you to the website straight away!

Ms Ong

Monday, August 17, 2009

Some changes

Dear prefects,

In view of the recent unwanted comments posted on our blog, we have decided to remove the tag board. However, you will still be able to post comments if we decide to add you as a member so that you are allowed to view and comment on the posts. Hang in there, we will make some necessary changes and bring back the chance for you to 'speak up' here again soon!

-Ms Ong-

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Dearest WSPS Prefects,

I hope a good number of you will come onto the blog regularly to receive updates. I have posted the New duty list that will be used with effect from 29 June 2009. Please remind your friends to check the duty list regularly too!

Best Regards,
Ms Emmeline Ong
(on behalf of the other prefect masters too!)

New Duty List With Effect From 29 June 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

EXCO Meeting 3

Dear EXCO members,

Do take note of the next EXCO meeting. Do let the Prefect Masters know, should you be late for/ unable to attend the meeting. See you guys there! - Ms Ong -

Day/Date: Monday, 30th March 2009
Time: 3 pm - 4 pm
Venue: Thinkers' Lodge

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Duty Lists

Prefects, Click on the images if you need them to be bigger. You can right click on the images as well to save them in your own home computers.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Welcome Prefects of WSPS!

Dear All,

Welcome to our very own 'Prefectorial Board' blog. I hope this blog will act as a good communication tool between us. Do also abide to the rules of the proper usage of this blog so that we can maximise this communication tool! See you in school...!

-Miss Ong-